Friday, August 29, 2014

Ways To Make It Through College Without Debt

When you're going to school, it is easy to be drawn into both student and personal loans. While having the money right now is extremely helpful, in the long run it's a bad idea. Once you have to start paying back the loans, it can become detrimental to your budget and your overall lifestyle. The best thing to do is to work toward graduating as debt-free as possible. Here are a few great ways to keep your loan debts small, or even nonexistant.

Find Great Scholarships

Image via Flickr by Saad Faruque

One of the best ways to work your way through school without debt is to get as many great scholarships as possible. Schools such as Wake Forest University offer scholarships for students with financial need. However, there are other scholarships you can seek out. If you are good at an art or sport, try for scholarships based on these. There are also options for minority students. You can even find scholarships for attributes, such as those for left-handed students.

Invest Wisely

Another option is to make the money you have work for you. Look into investing your money, so that you are getting interest payments. In some cases, you may start getting a return long before your student loans come due. Watching the markets and investing wisely is a great way to make money while you're going to school. While this may not seem feasible to everyone, keep in mind that you can start investing with just a small amount of money. Then you can use the interest payments that you receive to add to your investment portfolio.

Get a Second Job

Paying for your own way through college is difficult. However, if you get a second job instead of taking out loans, you'll be happier in the long run. If you are able to pay for your schooling as you're going, you're going to be able to start your post-school life more quickly and easily. Working full-time, or even working two jobs while taking classes isn't easy. However, one option is to take your classes online, allowing you to study at your own hours. Another option is to take fewer classes. This extends how long you are in school, but allows you more freedom from debt.

Get Grants

There are many grants for students. Some are government grants, and others are private. Either way, this is money that you can use toward school that you don't have to pay back. If you are working or you have parents who are, look into whether the companies they work for offer education grants. Make sure to apply for government grants that are available to you. For example, the Pell grant is perfect for those who are going back to school later in life.
While it's tempting to get loans, there are better options to get yourself through school. When you graduate debt free, you can continue with your life without having the burden of payments hanging over your head. Consider the best ways you can get through your schooling and you'll finish without tens of thousands of dollars in loans.