Monday, October 28, 2013

Keep Your Clients Happy With A Cloud-based Solution.

In business, keeping your clients happy is everything. Whatever you can do to add value to your product or service is worth doing if it keeps you one step ahead of your competitors and keeps your most profitable clients on board.

Doing that means thinking creatively and having every available tool out there at your disposal when you need it. These days, more than ever, it’s about being flexible enough to meet your clients’ needs as and when their circumstances change.

Saying ‘I’ll get back to you’ just isn’t good enough anymore. If you want to stay on top of your game, you need the capability to respond with the information your client needs, right when it’s needed.

This is the reason why more and more investment managers are moving to Cloud-based portfolio and analysis platforms. These online risk and portfolio management tools give users all the services they need in one central location and can be customised to meet the needs of the user, as well as the client. But, most importantly, the information or service, you or your client needs can be accessed immediately, wherever you are in the world. And, as every good businessperson knows, providing your customer with a rapid solution to their need is a sure-fire way to win repeat business.

Join the Revolution

StatPro Revolution from the StatPro Group is an excellent example of the benefits that can be gained from taking your services (and your clients) to a Cloud-based platform. Covering over 3.2 million assets, the engine behind this incredibly versatile product allows users to create attractive, customisable and easily understandable risk and performance analytics. You can then choose to share this analysis with your clients directly over the Internet – a great way for you to demonstrate how you’ve added value to their portfolio. By being transparent with your work in this way, you can also build trust - meaning your clients are more likely to stay with you.

When business very often all boils down to keeping your clients happy, the Cloud-based platform also happens to be more cost-effective, as well as faster than traditional methods of client reporting. And it does of all of this in the Cloud without any hardware, software or maintenance costs.

The cloud is the future

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that the Cloud is just a fad that’s going to disappear when the next ‘big thing’ comes along. Cloud-based platforms are here to stay. Your clients are probably already using the Cloud in their own business or as part of their everyday digital life. And that’s understandable! The advantages are huge and we are only at the beginning of the Cloud revolution. The benefits are only starting to be realised.

It’s good to share - Because the information you’re looking for is in the Cloud, then it’s accessible by whoever needs it, wherever they are. All they need is an Internet connection and a PC, laptop or tablet. Collaborating with clients, partners and work colleagues has never been easier.

Access on a ‘need-to-know’ basis – When it comes to security and accessibility, with an online platform, you decide who has clearance to access your applications and data. Obviously, in this digital age of hackers, phishers and cyber-criminals, security is more important than ever before. Fortunately, by its very nature, the Cloud is one of the mostsecure places for your data, especially when you’re on the move, as your data isn’t stored on your device and, as we seen earlier, there are a host of ways to restrict access to data and services - not to mention third party security solutions that can be integrated into your platform.

Get it working for you – Some Cloud-based solutions, such as StatPro Revolution, offer a huge degree of flexibility when it comes to customising how you deploy and interface with your Cloud-based services. So, depending on your needs and what functionality you want to offer your clients, you can adapt your online platform to suit the way you do business.

Local knowledge and global expertise – Likewise, you can dictate how your service and data are delivered from a central location in the Cloud, tailoring each to make them ‘compatible’ with the region in which they are accessed or deployed. For example, you can choose to change the language format used, or customise the service to comply with regional variations in legislation and the local regulatory regime.

Everything in one place - Of course, there is a huge advantage to having everything in the one place. Projects and portfolios are easier to administer for everyone - you, your colleagues and your clients. With the right solution, you can rapidly deploy business information to any user with a full audit trail and without the hassle and expense of managing local applications. Result? You spend more time servicing your clients, instead of managing local IT applications and infrastructure.

The Cloud is becoming big business. Getting in at the outset means you’ll be better placed to benefit from new Cloud-based innovations and applications as they become available.

What’s good for your clients is good for your business

Statistics show that by improving customer service, businesses retain clients up to 18 months’ longer. Given the advantages, outlined here, offered by a Cloud-based risk and portfolio management platform, migrating to a solution such as StatPro Revolution is one guaranteed way you can do just that.

Whether you’re an asset manager, finance advisor or hedge fund manager, using a Cloud-based platform to share information with your clients in real time, will enable you to communicate more effectively with your clients and add value to the services you provide. Your clients will thank you for that - by staying longer and spending more.